1) Leave and License Agreement Sample Draft

In online Leave and License Registration, citizens have to fill required information only in IGR Online Portal for e-Registration and draft is automatically generated at the end. We as a service provider fill all the details in proper format to ensure that all details are filled wherever required. With our vast experience, we know which of the documents get rejected by SRO if any input field is wrongly filled or proper document not uploaded on server. There are 12 standard clauses already inbuilt within online portal and by downloading a sample copy of Agreement citizens can check which other clauses are to be included in the agreement. Download a sample copy of Agreement by clicking the below download button:

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2) Rent Receipt

A Rent Receipt is provided by the landlord when he receives the rent from the tenant – it has his signature that confirms the receipt of payment. If you are paying rent, you can submit evidence and save tax – total amount is reduced from your gross taxable income. A salaried employee has to submit a rent receipt as a proof of rental expenses to his company – this is in accordance with the Income Tax Act, 1961. Download the Format provided in below link.

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3) Power of Attorney (POA)

Citizens interested in executing Leave and License Agreement through Power of Attorney can use our Format for “Special Power of Attorney” and get the same Notarized or Registered as per their convenience. There is no limitation put by IGR Maharashtra on either of these documents. Download a copy of Format from below link:

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4) Self Declaration Power of Attorney Marathi

Citizens residing outside India can execute online Leave and License Agreement through their Power of Attorney (POA) holder in India and the POA can be either Registered or Notarized. A self-declaration is required each time the document is executed which states that the POA is valid and not revoked during the course of time. This document is to be uploaded alongwith POA on IGR Maharashtra e-registration server. Download suitable copy of the same in either English or Marathi per your convenience:

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5) Self Declaration Power of Attorney English

Citizens residing outside India can execute online Leave and License Agreement through their Power of Attorney (POA) holder in India and the POA can be either Registered or Notarized. A self-declaration is required each time the document is executed which states that the POA is valid and not revoked during the course of time. This document is to be uploaded alongwith POA on IGR Maharashtra e-registration server. Download suitable copy of the same in either English or Marathi per your convenience

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6) Cancellation Deed of Leave and License Agreement

There is not provision in the Registration act 1908 for cancelation of registration of an agreement including a leave and License agreement . There are two ways by which an agreement is discontinued. An Agreement is a law for the parties to that agreement. On the basis of the provision in the agreement any parry or parties to the agreement, as the case may be can decide to discontinued the agreement by giving notice to the remaining party OR parties. The period of notice is normally given in the agreement. An Agreement gets discontinued when the purpose or the time period of the agreement is over. Registration goes along with the agreement registered. if the agreement itself is not in existence, no question of registration arises. It no longer exit.

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7) Company Board Resolution formate

In order to establish a new office or factory, a company will require certain premises to use. The company can use its own land or building for this purpose or it may obtain some premises on rent/ lease from the owner (landlord) of that property.
Before a company finalises the property to be taken on lease , it has to take approval from its board of directors. This is generally done by a passing a resolution in the meeting of the board of directors. Wherein the board not only approves the location of the premises to be takne on lease but also authorises certain official to carry out necessary works and execute deeds and documents as may be required.
Following are Templates of Board Resolutions for entering into Leave and License Agreement. Please modify it as may be necessary in your case.

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8) Authority Letter formate for Company

A Company Authorization Letter gives another person or Organization the hold and right to act on the company’s behalf for any specific matter or task. A company authorization letter can be used when a company needs to authorize someone to conduct financial transactions with a bank, negotiate a contract, or any number of other responsibilities, on behalf of the company.
Alternately, it might assign an organization the right to accomplish a task, such as organizing a local fundraising event, on behalf of the company.

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About a Company Authorization Letter

A company authorization letter is written on company letterhead by a senior company employee, such as an owner, CEO, or general manager. This letter acts as a formal, legal contract between the company and the recipient, and should be written in professional language.
This letter may be sent with a signature form. The signature form allows the recipient to compare the representative’s signature when presented with an official document signed by the representative, such as a company check. This procedure provides a safeguard to both the authorizing company and the recipient.

While registering a leave and license agreement where a company is one of the parties, an authorization letter along with a certified true copy of the board resolution will be asked for by the government official at the Sub-registrar's office to verify the validity of the authorization. Following are Sample of Company Authorization Letter for executing Leave and License agreement. Please modify it as may be necessary in your case.

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9) Police Verification formate

Why police verification of tenant is important & how it’s done?
Renting out a property sounds a profitable choice for many of us. The high demand for rental homes from the migrating population in cities makes it an attractive journey for homeowners. However, the landlord must be careful while choosing tenants. Since the benefits of your investments depend solely on the kind of tenant you have chosen for your rental property. Police verification of your tenants is an essential component of this safeguarding process which must be properly followed for your own security. In case you are renting out your property without going through this safeguarding process, it is possible that trouble may strike you in the future.

The law makes it compulsory for landlords to fulfill police verification of their tenants. Under Section-188 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) which concerns the violation of order rightfully declared by a public servant, a convict may be “punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to one month or a monetary penalty of Rs 200”.

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Since the monetary penalty is insignificant, proper attention is not taken usually to follow the laws. By the look of it, the tenant seems fine to the landlord and the difficulty to follow the method could well step aside. Does a landlord think that what harm could the tenant cause him or the system? Even if everything is fine, a landlord could still be accused or charged. It is often seen that the landlord ignore the importance of tenant verification and rent out their property without performing legal due diligence. This is not only risky for the property but at the same time well-being as a landlord. If your tenant is involved in any criminal act, You can be held responsible for this negligence.

To make sure that you are renting out your property to an honest tenant, it is necessary to follow up these simple steps:

Police Verification:

You can get Police Verification Form online for tenant verification. Every landlord should download this form and give it to the tenants for verification before handing over the house or flat keys. The tenant should fill his original name with father name, permanent address, and other essential information in the given form. It verifies a tenant and makes it easy for the landlord to involve the police in case of a dispute

Background Check:

A background check is a first and most important step in tenant verification. If your tenant has a history of averting rent or destroying rented property, in this situation, you may be able to find out through a background check.

Contact Your Tenant’s Previous Landlord:

If the tenant has lived in the same locality/city, then you can do a check with his previous landlords. You can also ask for the previous employer’s contact number and address. You can ask all relevant questions to make sure the person is reliable for you to rent out your property.

Ask for the personal references:

The landlord can also ask for 1-2 personal references whom the landlord can call and ask about the person and verify his details. Family and friends are a good source to verify the tenant. If the person has no unlawful records he won’t hesitate to share a few references but it is not always necessary that you will get all the information as some tenants may not be comfortable sharing their parent’s contact numbers. In this situation, it is better to ask for friends’ numbers or colleague’s details just to keep them as a record.

How does police Verification help?

Police verification can help in below-mentioned ways:

Unlawful practices on-premises:

It is often seen that college students, bachelor, and even young working professionals live alone or want privacy. They enjoy parties, consume drugs, drinking on their premises. Some live-in with partners. When police verification is completed, tenants do not resort to such activities in the premises as the fear of getting arrested.

It helps in tracking crime:

It is very easy to track the absconding culprit and those who connive a heinous crime in the rented apartment/flat. Once the tenant submitted his identity proof, the fear of a police trial ensures that there are very few chances of committing a crime.

It helps in tracking terror activities:

Many terrorists rent places to stay in the city from where they carry out plans of attacks in the city. Police verification can easily find out these monsters with fake identities.

It helps in tracking foreigners identification:

Many foreigners overstay after the expiry of the contracts and disappear into the smaller cities. With the help of police verification, these unauthorized citizens can easily find out in case they rent out a place to stay.

It helps a landlord if he lives abroad or out of town:

It is often seen that landlords rent out the property and stays out of the town or country. If he has done the police verification, he is relieved that his property is let out to a decent person with a good background.

It creates fear of law for the tenants:

After police verification, tenants always fear of police action and being hauled up and put behind the bars. If a tenant has submitted his official details, he fears that police can reach the workplace and he will lose his jobs and he will not get another place to stay.

It helps in better maintenance and safety of the premises:

Tenants take good care of the rented property and pay rent on time when there is a police verification completed. He does not mess around with the structure and does not cause any damage to it. He is aware that his documentation lies with the police and his record gets blackened if the landlord registers any complaints with the police.

The FAQ on Police Verification:

How do I get police verification for tenants?

To perform that, you can visit the nearby police station in your area and ask for tenant verification forms. The correctly filled documents that would have all the details of you and your tenants should be submitted with the police. You could download the form, on the website of police stations.

What is a tenant verification form?

The tenant verification form is a document utilized by a landlord when verifying the past rental information of an aspirant for tenancy. The landlord must send the form to the applicant’s current or past landlord in order to get all the details linked to the tenancy of the individual.

Is police verification of tenants mandatory?

Police verification of your tenants is an essential part of this screening process which must be properly understood for your own safety. The law declares it necessary for landlords to perform police verification of their tenants. Any negligence in this concern may invite a jail term or a monetary penalty.

What is a rental verification form?

A rental verification form is a permission form that a tenant applicant will sign to give permission to the landlord to do a background check. This also involves the ability to call the current employer, previous landlord, and current landlord.

What is the method for an online tenant police verification?

  • There are several methods to be followed:
  • Download the Tenant Police Verification Form online first.
  • Complete the form with both tenant and landlord details.
  • Affix the current photo of your tenant.
  • Sign at the bottom of the form confirming that the information stated in the form is true and you are agreeing to it.
  • Submit the filled form to your nearest police station.
  • Collect your acknowledgment receipt and keep it as a reference.
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Acts and Amendments

10) Maharashtra Society Act

The Maharashtra Co-Operative Societies Act I960. An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to co-operative societies in the State of Maharashtra. WHEREAS, with a view to providing for the orderly development of the co-operative movement in the State of Maharashtra in accordance with the relevant directive principles of State policy enunciated in the Constitution of India, it is expedient to consolidate and amend the law relating to co-operative societies in that State; It is hereby enacted in the Eleventh Year of the Republic of India. To go through the complete Act Download from below link

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11) Registration Act 1908

Indian Registration Act is an act to consolidate the enactments relating to the registration of documents. Registration means recording of the contents of the document. The object of registration is conservation of evidence and title. Section 17 of the Indian Registration Act 1908, deals with the documents that are compulsory to be registered. Download to view the legal provisions.

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12) Maharashtra Rent Control Act

An Act to unify, consolidate and amend the law relating to the control of rent and repairs of certain premises and of eviction and for encouraging the construction of new houses by assuring a fair return on the investment by landlords and to provide for the matters connected with the purposes aforesaid.

WHEREAS it is expedient to Unify, consolidate and amend the laws prevailing in the different parts of the State relating to the control of rents and repairs of certain premises and of eviction and for encouraging the construction of new houses by assuring a fair return and to provide for the matters connected with the purposes aforesaid; It is hereby enacted in the Fiftieth year of the Republic of India. Download below to see the complete Act.

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13) Apartment Ownership Act

An Act to provide for the ownership of an individual apartment in a building and to make such apartment heritable and transferable property. WHEREAS, it is expedient to provide for the ownership of an individual apartment in a building and to make such apartment heritable and transferable property, and to provide for matters connected with the purposes aforesaid ; It is hereby enacted in the Twentyfirst Year of the Republic of India. Download to read the full Act.

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14) Maharashtra Stamp Duty Act 1958

The Bombay Stamp Act, 1958 comes into force on 16th February, 1959 and is applicable in the State of Maharashtra. This Act is intended to levy Stamp duty on certain types of documents executed in the State or brought from outside for acting upon the same in the State. The various instruments/documents are broadly covered under different 62 articles listed in Schedule-I appended to the Act.

The rates at which stamp duty is levied on these documents are mentioned in Schedule –I. The Bombay Stamp Act levies Stamp duty on documents/instruments by which any right or liability is, or purports to be, created, transferred, limited, extended, extinguished or recorded. The stamp duty is payable on instrument and not on the transactions. To know more about the provisions of this Act, click the below Download button

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 Please note that we are a facilitating platform enabling access to reliable professionals. We are not a law firm and do not provide legal services ourselves.The information on this website is for the purpose of knowledge only and should not be relied upon as legal advice or opinion. Friends Services advises to its users that they should consult an advocate or solicitor before entering into any agreement.      Please note that we are a facilitating platform enabling access to reliable professionals. We are not a law firm and do not provide legal services ourselves.The information on this website is for the purpose of knowledge only and should not be relied upon as legal advice or opinion. Friends Services advises to its users that they should consult an advocate or solicitor before entering into any agreement.